Happy New Year 2021

Dear Friends!
2020 year proved to be challenging period for all of us but meanwhile it was the period of the most intensive work. We would like to thank everyone for your patience and fortitude and remind the most important achievements in this year:
In the period of lockdown when everyone had to change daily routine to online life we thought that it was the best time for education. We improved our resources for self-training which always have been free and available for any interested engineers: Knowldege Base, Youtube videos, Help Center.
We launched series of training webinars which had great success among the DR society. Thanks to these series of webinars many engineers could examine how Rusolut technologies work with real cases.
We designed and developed new product – online training classes. We could managed to gain our attendees’ confidence and prove that online classes save the same efficiency as the classroom ones.
Of course we released some useful software updates which are available for VNR and eMMC NR users.