We are developers of the groundbreaking technologies for chip-off data recovery and forensics which are widely used all over the globe from small DR companies to federal law enforcement laboratories. Undoubtedly these technologies are complicated and require special skills. Our priority task is not only develop significant solutions but to teach our users implement them into their everyday work. That is why we designed tailor made training courses directed to understanding our technologies and using them with maximum effect.

Purchasing the best-of-breed technologies is only the first step.
The knack to use them with 100% efficiency is the new level.

Chip-Off StartUp 2.0 Course

Data Recovery Expert – NEW TRAINING!

Monolith Pinout Discovery Course

Start-up course is a fundamental training which includes introduction for data recovery from flash devices. It explains VNR technology and allows to understand all fundamentals and dilemmas of Chip-off data recovery from flash-based devices. Besides theoretical part, training consist of real practical cases which you will have occasion to solve by yourself. It guarantees you to fully understand all theoretical subjects and will give are real implementation in your future cases.
Training in the format of live consultations and video material. More details:
Comprehensive training that will provide you with a wide array of the most important cases and widely used controllers that every Data Recovery Expert must be able to deal with, such as those with Sandisk controllers.
The course covers data recovery from unsupported devices and specially selected complex cases with already known controllers. It shows advanced methods of VNR usage and dump analysis. Every theoretical subject on the training is explained on real practical cases. After course you can literally reverse engineer new devices yourself and get data in cases which seemed to be impossible before. The training also includes Hands-On skills mastering. You will discover techniques of correct memory chip unsoldering and its preparation for the further recovery process, as a must-have base that every engineer using the chip-off technique needs to have at his fingertips.
Devices with monolithic construction are widely produces nowadays, not only because of their small sizes but also due to their higher endurance. To solve such cases is required to find pinout and there is an always high chance that your device will have completely new one. Therefore, we’ve decided to prepare course mainly focused on pinout analysis and DR from monolithic devices. MPD training includes all information you need to work with monolithic devices. It consists of multiple training cases for analysis of signals and presents full methodology of pinout preparation which is examine on practical case with physical device.

What you will learn:


  • Types of devices with NAND memoires on board
  • Components of flash-based devices, their functions and internal structures
  • The procedure of chip-off data recovery from flash devices
  • Direct access to NAND memory and extraction of physical image
  • Analysis of patterns via bitmap viewer
  • Popular brands of controllers and their peculiarities
  • Page allocation modes
  • Block translation in VNR

What you will learn:


  • Data recovery procedures from complex Sandisk controllers, such as Sandisk 4kB
  • Data recovery methods from Devices Based on Alcor Micro Controllers
  • Data recovery from devices with Multiple Memory Chips
  • Analysis and reverse engineering of ECC/BCH
  • Analysis of complex Service areas and usage of MASK
  • Scheme analysis of multi-chip devices with complex page allocation modes
  • Unsupported Error Correction Codes
  • Advanced methods of dump analysis

What you will learn:


  • Safe technics of soldering mask removal
  • Technics of micro-soldering flash devices
  • Work and functions of logic analyser
  • Internal construction of monolithic embedded devices
  • Visual analysis of monolithic devices
  • Analysis of X-Ray picture
  • Signals of NAND memory protocol, recognition and analysis
  • Signals decoding using LA software

StartUp Course

This is fundamental class which explains VNR technology and gives real implements to future work themselves. This is obligatory course to understand the main fundamental questions of DR of broken flash storage devices.
This course covers data recovery from real chipoff dumps to files.


What you will learn:


  • Discover the different flash storage devices and NAND memory packages
  • Direct access to NAND and physical image extraction
  • Physical image of flash memory chip
  • Flash controllers
  • Pattern analysis

Advanced Course

This course covers data recovery from unsupported devices. What to do if the device is
new, how to find all things you need to quickly crack it and get data.
After course you can literally reverse engineer new devices yourself and get data in cases which seemed to be impossible.


What you will learn:


  • ECC/BCH code analysis and reverseengineering
  • Scrambler (XOR) key analysis and extraction
  • NAND chip configuration analysis

Monolith Course

We think that monolith is the future of flash technologies. Based on our background we
developed unique and complete methodology which was laid down into specific training course – Monolith Pinout Discovery.
The main aim of the course – is pin-out searching, analysis and monolith recovery.


What you will learn:


  • internal structure of monolithic devices
  • preparation of embedded device for furtheranalysis
  • microsoldering
  • visual analysis of monolithic device and workflow optimization
  • usage of adapters
  • work with logic analyzer
  • typical signals of NAND protocol and their recognition
  • pinout analysis of unknown monolithic device


  • You launch the new business or you want to expand your current activities with new cases
  • Flash data recovery field is a new area for you
  • You are the new User who would like to get Rusolut solutions+training in a bunch for better result
  • You are already using VNR solution, you made your first steps with Rusolut solutions yourself, but you want to systematize fundamental knowledge that will allow you to use all functions freely and work with flash cases on your own.
  • You have attended StartUp 2.0 course before
  • You have gained your first experience using flash memory chips and want to become an Expert who solves complex cases and is able to find solutions even for unsupported ones
  • You want to know and use data recovery standards set by world experts
  • You are LE representative who investigates important cases
  • Monolith cases are very demanded in your everyday work
  • You need to practice microsoldering skills of monolithic/embedded device
  • You’d like to know how to find pinout analysis of unknown monolithic device
  • You wish to start using simple analogue of expensive X-RAY machine for monolith DR

Chip-Off StartUp 2.0 Course

Data Recovery Expert – NEW TRAINING!

Monolith Pinout Discovery Course

  • You launch the new business
  • You would like to get Rusolut solutions+training in a bunch for better result
  • You made your first steps with Rusolut solutions yourself, watched free training materials, but even after it have troubles with understanding
  • You are the newbie in flash recovery field

StartUp Course

  • You have attended StartUp course before
  • You have great experience in DR from flash memory chips and understand that it is important to refresh skills regularly
  • You mainly work with tricky cases and need to increase your skills up to Level Pro
  • You are the representative of LE organization

Advanced Course

  • internal structure of monolithic devices
  • preparation of embedded device for furtheranalysis
  • microsoldering
  • visual analysis of monolithic device and workflow optimization
  • usage of adapters

Monolith Pinout Discovery Course


Rusolut is the training partner of choice for the engineers from different public sector agencies and successful private companies. The main goal of the courses we provide is to teach you how to use chip-off technologies as effectively and efficiently as possible. That is why both the engineers from private and public sectors are encouraged to attend.
In addition to the standard training programs we can also perform on-site training at customer premises. We know that sometimes it is easier for us to come to you, especially if you have a large group of personnel to train.
We are happy to discuss arrangements and the training can either be in the form of our standard certification training program or as a customized training program specifically arranged to suit your needs. If you can provide a suitable location for the training to be delivered, then we can make all the arrangements to bring our qualified trainer and equipment to you.


To join ONLINE courses you need VNR Starter kit with active Premium/Priority Support subscription. All other technical requirements will be sent by e-mail after registration. Do not worry, there is nothing extraordinary, all these devices are available in every DR company.
If you prefer CLASSROOM courses at Rusolut premises all you need is your great wish to grab some vital skills.
Requirements for ON-SITE CLASSROOM courses are discussed personally.


Rusolut has been providing training courses for over 5 years for more than 1000 forensic professionals worldwide
The most efficient combination of theoretical and practical training parts
Small groups of attendees with guaranteed individual approach to every student
Special tricky cases which are available during the courses only and not available in free access
Our instructors presented their reports and training programs on such global events as Technosecurity, CEPOL, DFRWS EU/USA, HTCIA, Flash Memory Summit and the others.
Complete and structured training programs in the contrast to separate webinars
The possibility of recording the courses
All attendees get certificates of completion