In daily work everyone see more and more issues with data recovery from monolithic devices and available methods don’t help much. X-ray analysis of monolithic device pinout help to solve most of problems but it’s expensive and time consuming technology which is not available for everyone.
So what can average company do without huge investments in expensive tools?
We developed unique and complete technology which was laid down into special training course – Monolith Pinout Discovery. The main aim of the course is to teach how to analyze pinout of unknown damaged monolithic/embedded devices by using available tools such as logic analyzer and other tools that everyone has in lab.
The first training was successfully completed some days ago at our Rusolut premises. We were glad to meet here data recovery and digital forensic specialists from Hongkong, Spain, Poland, USA, Singapore and other places. We got positive feedback which proved that Rusolut’s engineers launched the most innovative training course – Monolith Pinout Discovery!
We are glad to invite everyone who want to understand monolithic device recovery and get true and workable implements for successful work!
Registration for this and other Rusolut classes is available now!
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Your Rusolut Team