Software update 14 June 2016
The new update is released!
In this update we have significantly improved the work with memory chips and physical image extraction. Now it’s possible to reread problematic areas with bad pages several times automatically even through bad columns! There are many new devices and NAND chips have been added to database, including several pinouts for monolithic chips.
The update is available in Client Portal
Here’s what we added in new VNR software
New software
- NAND chip re-reading by ECC/BCH map through BCR element. This long-expected option allows to re-read bad pages by ECC even in case if NAND chip had bad columns (BCR)
- New automatic multi-pass dump re-reading mode by ECC/BCH map. Adjustable number of passes, or infinite when = 0. It does re-read only pages marked with red on the ECC map
- READ ID function is now working for both Single/Dual data bus chips automatically. This is important for LGA52 and new BGA152/BGA132 NAND chips which have two independent data buses (IO)
- “Read memory chips” mode is optimized. Now it’s possible to select which crystals of chip to read
- Selected bad columns are movable now in BCR element. When bad columns is selected, selection markers can be moved with CTRL + arrow buttons
New NAND chips and controllers
- EC715A3F74 KAG00600FA-AJJY
- ECA7947E64 K9LCGY8S1B
- AD3A18A361 Noname
- 50504E0105 H2JTCG8T21BMR
- 45D5843272 AATS4D2H0161XSD-AL-5
- ADD7949160 D27UBGT2CTR
- 453CA5937E monoSD
- 454CA89276 Noname
- EC3AE57A6C Monolith_SD
- 98D7849372 FA16B08UCT1-9E
- ECD7947E64 K9PFGY8U7B-HCK0
- ECDED9CA58 Monolith
- SSS6691
- SM Unknown
- PS8210
- PS2251-07-V
- IS903
- AU6987
New scramblers (XOR keys)
- SM_glued(8k_516p)_4C912A
- IS817(16k_256p)_DF3C58
- IS817(17664p_256p_xoredSA)_F84AC7
- IS903(8640b_512p_xoredSA)_038685
- IS903(8936b_512p_xoredSA)_034F85
- IS903(8k_256p)_3C4691
- IS903(8k_256p)_3E092F
- IS916(4320b-256p_xoredSA)_3E092F
- IS917(16k_128p)_F73C46
- IS917(8k_256p)_3C5811
- IS917(9216b_256p_1094_32_xoredSA)_3C5811
- SM2236(4k_256p)_498383
- SM2683LT(8k_256p)_FFFFFF_FFF9FF
- SM2702(8k_32p)_4C912A
- SM2703_monoSD(8k_128p)_B36ED5
- SM3257ENQAA(8k_512p)_EFE2F2
- SM3257QAA(8k_192p)_1D3507_v2
- SM3257_v1(8k_258p)_EFE2F2
- SMI2685(8k_516p)_096C3E
- SSS6691(8576b_256p_xoredSA)_7E7CE4
- 82-00515-4_17664(ecc146b)_8.bch
- CBM2096_4320(ecc51b)_4.bch
- CBM2098E_9216(ecc996bit)_8.bch
- IS902_1072(ecc48b)_8.bch
- IS902_8576(ecc48b)_8.bch
- IS916_1072(ecc48b)_8.bch
- IS916_8576(ecc48b)_8.bch
- SM267LT_530(ecc15b)_8.bch
- SM3211Q_4320(ecc25b)_8.bch
- SM3267L_18400(ecc126b)_16.bch
- AU6989SNHL-GT_9216(ecc112)_8
New monolithic chip pinouts

Fixed bugs
- The bug in “Go to data” function in File System Viewer is fixed, now it jumps to data (not metadata)
- Autoanalysis of Page allocation (Pair) is working properly now for blocks with 258 pages
- HEX viewer bug of structure highlighting